Interaction with Hiiragi special needs education school
We use various opportunities to interact with Hiiragi special needs education school, which adjoins our school.
Many of the students from both schools enjoy this interaction and deepen their relationship.
○ Interaction through reading (three times a year)
・Handa high school students read picture books or some pieces of poetry to the students from Hiiragi elementary school, junior high school, and high school sections.
○ Fureai Time (twice a year)
・Students from both schools interact through club activities.
○ Homeroom interaction (twice a year)
・1st-year students from two classes of Handa high school interact with the students from Hiiragi junior high school and high school sections.
○ Others
・1st-year students of Handa high school receive guidance on the interaction with Hiiragi school. (Apr.)
・Trainee teachers of Handa high school visit Hiiragi school. (Jun.)
・During Hiiragi Festival, the cultural festival of Handa high school, students from Hiiragi school set up a booth and put their works on display.