SSH Natural Science Club


SSH seminar in 2016 in Kobe

Tokai festival 2016 (Meijo University)

SSH science seminar in 2015 in Osaka

Mr. Sugiura and Mr. Mizuno, members of the Physics team, won the award of excellence in Tokai Festival in2018

Our chemistry team won the Student voting award in the national SSH science fair 2017!
In the national SSH science fair held on Aug 9th and 10th, our research, “With Natto! Purifying water in 10 seconds” won the Student voting award in 2017.


Image character:Hanmame(半豆) and Noko(納子)
  • chemistry team
  • biology team
  • geoscience team
teachers Masahiko Sugino, Takashi Harada, Fumiyo Tamura, and Shingo Chaya

SSH Science Seminar in 2016

Time 10th/11th of August 2016
Place Kobe
Auspice Japan science and technology agency

The Sceince club in Handa high school made a speech about the relationship between UV radiation and pigments in flowers.

Our students explaining about “the relationship between UV radiation and pigments in the exhibition booth.

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Mr.Sumio Iijima, a lecturer in science communication made a speech there. explaining in frount of the booth①


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explaining in frount of the booth② explaining in frount of the booth③
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The Science club All the SSH schools get together.

SSH Science Seminar in 2015

Time 5th /6th of August in 2015
Place Osaka
Auspice Japan science and technology agency
Sponsorship Osaka board of education

In the seminar, our project “Extracting γ-PGA of High purity from Natto(Fermented soybeans) and the Flocculation Effect by using it “won the Incentive award“.

awarded for the first time

August 5th

The day before the actual poster session The vice principal joined us.

August 6th

Explaining in front of our booth① Explaining in front of our booth②
Explaining to other students Poster session①
Poster session② Poster session③
Poster session④ Appeal time talking about Handa high school.
Making a presentation in front of judges We won the incentive award.

Year Schedule

Annual School Events
Month Events
4 Entrance Ceremony
Excursion (1st grade)
5 1st Term Examinations
Track & Field Meet
6 School Trip (2nd grade)
2nd Term Examinations
7 Ball Game Day (3rd grade)
8 Summer Holidays
9 School Festival (“Hiiragi” or Holly Festival)
Chita District High School Science Forum
10 3rd Term Examinations
11 4th Term Examinations
12 Winter Holidays
1 Overseas Study Program (Thailand)
2 5th Term Examinations
3 Graduation Ceremony
Ball Game Day (1st & 2nd grade)
Overseas Study Program (UK)





Day Schedule

period time day
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
ST 8:40 8:45
1st period 8:50 9:55
2nd period 10:05 11:10
3rd period 11:20 12:25
lunch time 12:25 13:05
4th period 13:05 14:10
5th period 14:20 15:25
ST・cleaning 15:25 15:45
6th period(LT) 15:35 16:25
cleaning 16:25 16:30



Our school has 14 cultural clubs and 17 sports clubs. Our students participate in a lot of club activities and have beneficial experiments from them.

Exchange between Hiiragi Special Education School


Interaction with Hiiragi special needs education school


We use various opportunities to interact with Hiiragi special needs education school, which adjoins our school.

Many of the students from both schools enjoy this interaction and deepen their relationship.


○ Interaction through reading (three times a year)

・Handa high school students read picture books or some pieces of poetry to the students from Hiiragi elementary school, junior high school, and high school sections.


○ Fureai Time (twice a year)

・Students from both schools interact through club activities.


○ Homeroom interaction (twice a year)

・1st-year students from two classes of Handa high school interact with the students from Hiiragi junior high school and high school sections.


○ Others

・1st-year students of Handa high school receive guidance on the interaction with Hiiragi school. (Apr.)

・Trainee teachers of Handa high school visit Hiiragi school. (Jun.)

・During Hiiragi Festival, the cultural festival of Handa high school, students from Hiiragi school set up a booth and put their works on display.







1/19(金)  3年生を応援する会













1/30(火) ベルマーク活動




生徒議会の日に 各クラスの会計係 との協力のもと、











4/17(火)  コンタクト空ケースの回収について





半田高校の顔 校門前ロータリー



